7 Lead Magnet Ideas to Rapidly Grow Your Email List

If you have an email list you can grow it much faster if you use the lead magnet ideas in this post and offer multiple different incentives (lead magnets) to people when they join your list.

In this post I explore ten different ideas that you can use to start growing your email list faster than ever!

Enjoy the lead magnet ideas. 🙂

1. An eCourse
eCourses are still my favorite type of lead magnet to offer.

The reason why is because they get people in the habit of associating value with your emails.

With other types of lead magnet that can be easily accessed or downloaded some people will subscribe, access or download the lead magnet, and then unsubscribe right away.

With an eCourse though it takes multiple days for the course to be delivered so people have to stick around and read your emails if they want to get it.

This creates the habit of opening and reading your emails, which is exactly what you want your subscribers to do.

If you want a example of an eCourse and are interested in discovering powerful Twitter Tips and Tools sign up for my free Twitter eCourse.

To deliver an eCourse you’ll need autoresponder. I use and recommend Aweber.

2. A Premium Version of a Blog Post
Off your readers an upgraded version of a blog post.

To get best results with this dig into your Google Analytics and start by creating premium versions of your most popular posts.

Then at the bottom of the post include a lead capture form offering a PDF version of the post or additional premium content to be delivered by email after they use the form.

3. A Video
Using a video as a lead magnet is tempting for the person viewing the offer because they see the video and want to watch it…but can’t do so until they enter their email address.

The video hosting service Wistia offers a turnstile feature that can lock videos until someone joins your list.

4. An Infographic Collection
Infographics are awesome: People love them.

If you spend a few minutes and do some Google image searches for Infographics in your topic area you’ve got a great chance of coming up with some fantastic infographics.

Collect 10 to 25 infographics and put them in a folder and zip the folder and boom.

Just like that you can have a killer and unique lead magnet.

5. A Password to a Private Page
Creating a password protected web page is as easy as creating any other web page in WordPress.

Simply go to the Publish section and select password. Then click Publish and you’re good to go!

6. A Quiz
Quizzes are a great way to capture leads.

Once someone completes a quiz they want to get their answers.

By delivering the quiz results after you capture someone’s email you will get a very high conversion rate from the people who complete your quiz.

When I set up quiz for one of my old sites and I used gravity forms to make it happen. Their support team was helpful in getting the quiz setup.

7. An Analysis Tool
An analysis tool like Hubspot’s website grader is probably the hardest lead magnet to create, but it also comes with the biggest potential payoff.

If you create a web app that captures emails not only do you have the potential to both capture plenty of leads as well as gaining plenty of traffic as people spread the word around the web about your tool.

Want More Ideas For Getting Leads?
For more ideas check out this post I wrote with 50 Awesome Ways to Get More Leads.

Now that you know about these lead magnet ideas pick one and create a new opt-in offer so you can grow your list faster than ever!

What lead magnets ideas do you use to grow your list?

Leave a comment below and let me know what works best for you!